A work of unpretentious beauty... She writes in an uncomplicated yet never predictable musical language.
...The Times 

McKevitt makes beauty out of grief.
...The Evening Standard 

Her music has a harmonic austerity, redolent of ‘holy minimalist’ composers, all the more moving for it’s restraint.

Like some exquisite morsel, Donna McKevitt's ‘Cut’ leaves an aftertaste that lingers long after its sixteen minutes are over.



Donna McKevitt writes music. Music for film and contemporary dance and concert. She likes to mess around with sounds, deconstructing them and combining them with acoustic instruments. She also writes for choral groups and chamber ensembles. From time to time she releases her personal work in the form of an EP or album.

In her final year at University she signed to Mute Records with the band Miranda Sex Garden. They released several albums and toured extensively across Europe, the USA and Japan. During her time with the band she worked, played and supported artists Einstürzende Neubauten, Depeche Mode, Nick Cave, Tricky, Simon Fisher Turner and Michael Nyman.

Her first classical work was Translucence, a song cycle of Derek Jarman’s poetry which she began writing when scoring music for his final film Blue in 1992. At 27, Warner Classics released her Opus 1 to critical acclaim, the recording receiving five star reviews across classical publications and national newspapers.

Donna lived in Sarajevo in the early 2000s where she played viola in the Sarajevo Philharmonic. Nowadays, she sings a bit and plays the viola with lots of pedals. She enjoys improvising with other musicians who like to make strange, wonderful sounds and recently recorded a One Day Band album with Belle Chen, Anders Holst and Thomas Stone for Trestle Records.
Her work for film includes feature films by acclaimed directors John Jencks, Derek Jarman and Mark Cousins. A Song Still Inside, a PULSE production which deals with issues surrounding male suicide by Ed Lovelace and James Hall was released in 2021.2023 saw the release of her second collaboration with Mark Cousins - his film My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock.

Donna enjoys collaboration and has a long term partnership with photographer Emma Summerton. You can view their work together for Vogue and other fashion brands on this site.She has written extensively for voices and has been commissioned by world leading consorts-  Voces8, The Marian Consort, Apollo 5, The Gesualdo Six and The ORA Singers.

Donna has also written music for contemporary dance, collaborating with Phil Sanger, Hannah Peel and Charlotte Edmonds with performances at Tate Britain, Sadler’s Wells and The Royal Opera House. In 2015, she won a place on the first Cohan Collective programme run by  Yorke Dance Project and a residency at The Aldeburgh Festival in the same year.

In 2022 she wrote the music for Hannah Khalil’s play  Bitterenders centred around a Palestinian family directly affected by illegal Jewish settlement. The play was directed by Maxine Peake at The Arcola Theatre, London. This year she has been commissioned to write music for artist and film maker Susan Thomson for her new film The Swimming Diaries the film will premiere at The Dublin Film Festival in 2024. The soundtrack album is being released on vinyl and CD by Dharma Records on the 28th June.

This year has been very busy with four new record releases and a filmscore for director Polly Steele’s feature documentary The Mountain Within Me for Universal Studios....OST is out now.

Donna lives by the sea with her husband, musician Grant Gordon and their two children.


The Mountain Within Me  available to stream here

Concert News!!!
23rd August 7pm
The Ramsgate Tunnels.

As part of The Ramsgate Festival of Sound we are delighted to announce that Donna will be performing alongside Penelope Appleyard and Clare Stewart from the acclaimed vocal group Apollo5 with cellist Rosie Banks-Francis. They will be performing music from Derek Jarman’s Translucence and work by Susan Thomson who will be creating a new film for this immersive experience taking place inside The Ramsgate Tunnels - so bring a torch! Link to buy tickets: here

The Swimming Diaries soundtrack will be released on the 28th June 
Link to buy vinyl and CD: here 

The Swimming Diaries by Susan Thomson will premiere at The Dublin International Film Festival on 28th February 2024
Buy tickets here

Alai - a new single release with Supriya Nagarajan out on all platforms on the 2nd February 2024 Listen here

Orpheus- a new film by Guy K Ward scored by Donna McKevitt, premiered at the Cannes Film Awards 2023

New Release - September 2022 Lumen performed by The  Gesualdo Six for Hyperion Records available to buy here

New Release- Renewal? Voces8 and Apollo5 with Caroline Dale and Roger Chase. Available to buy  here or to stream here

Concert - A new production by acclaimed director Tim Albery - Garden of Vanished Pleasures. Music by Donna McKevitt and Cecilia Livingston. World premiere on the 1st September 2021.
Buy tickets here:

Theatre   - Bitterenders  by Hannah Khalil directed by Maxine Peake at
The Arcola Theatre on July 9th 2021.
Buy tickets here:

Concert- two new works for vocal consorts Voces8 and Apollo5 as part of their Live from London Summer Series on the 15th August 2021.
Buy tickets here:

Film -  The Story of Looking by Mark Cousins-  Closing film at The Sheffield Documentary Festival 2021.

Premiere of new work Lament 16 at The Dunster Festival, commissioned and performed by The Marian Consort on May 29th 2021.             

Releases - One Day Band album released on Trestle Records January 2021.  Link here:

Donna McKevitt is supported by PRS Foundation Composers’ Fund in partnership with Jerwood Arts.


Collaborations, commissions and sheet music-

Sync and Record Company -

Film and TV -

Publicist -





a feature documentary  Directed by Polly Steele for Universal Pictures

The Swimming Diaries
a feature film
Directed by Susan Thomson

a short film
Directed by Guy K Ward

My Name is Alfred Hitchcock
a feature documentary
Directed by Mark Cousins

The Story of Looking
a feature documentary
Directed by Mark Cousins

Losing Grace
a short film
Directed by Athena Mandis

A Song Still Inside
a short film
Directed by Ed Lovelace and James Hall

The Fold
feature film
Directed by John Jencks

Feature film directed by Derek Jarman
Original score by Simon Fisher Turner 
Vocal settings by Donna McKevitt


Vogue Germany 

Vogue Arabia

Vogue Italia Brand Film
Vogue Italia 

Jo Malone 

           Fat Magazine                                                                  

  China Vogue 



 film by Helga Fannon

film for Heritage Lab by Helga Fannon
